Standing Side Crunches

Side planks target obliques, strengthening and toning the waist, helping reduce love handles with consistent effort.

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IImage Source: Pinterest


Deadlifts engage the core, burn fat, and build muscle, helping to reduce love handles with proper diet.

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IImage Source: Pinterest

Russian Twists

Russian twists engage obliques, burning fat and sculpting the waistline, helping reduce love handles with regular practice.

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IImage Source: Pinterest

Side Planks

 Side planks target obliques, strengthening and toning the waist, helping reduce love handles with consistent effort.

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IImage Source: Pinterest

Bicycle Crunches

 Bicycle crunches engage obliques, burn calories, and tone the waist, helping reduce love handles effectively over time.

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IImage Source: Pinterest

Woodchopper Twists

 Woodchopper twists engage obliques, burning fat and toning the waist, aiding in love handle reduction with consistency.

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IImage Source: Pinterest

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers burn fat and engage the core, helping reduce love handles by improving metabolism and strengthening obliques.

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IImage Source: Pinterest